Hi, I’m Tyler! I’m a photographer from a small town in Mississippi, that has a passion for Christ and to spread the gospel!

Missions has been something that the Lord has placed on my heart, but it has also been something I had been resisting. You see, I have ALWAYS wanted to travel, but only on my own terms- ever since Christ transformed me, that has all changed! 

The first time the Lord spoke to me, it was about missions. I was 16 and attending a youth camp, Fuge, at a college in Mobile, Alabama. There was a video playing about a missionary, but I couldn’t have cared less because I was in my own little world. That was until the Lord spoke to me as clear as day and said, “You need to pay attention to this, because this is what you’re going to be doing with your life!” Needless to say, that certainly caught my attention!  

 Since that moment, I have had an urgency for missions like no other thing. I have encountered The Lord in ways that are beyond my comprehension, and now have an intimate relationship with Him. I want to live my life in obedience to the call of Christ by serving and leading others in the mission field through this organization, but in order to do this I need YOUR help! 

Here are some ways that you can help me as you feel led:

1. Prayer, PLEASE!

2. Donation (hit donate button at top)

3. Subscribe to my blog, and follow my journey!

Thank you for reading this far, and I appreciate your support! If there is any way I can pray for YOU, email me at [email protected] Again, THANK YOU!!