Lock The Doors!

Did I hear that right? I’m sitting in my car stuffing down a gas station burrito before worship practice and I hear the Lord say Lock The Doors! My first reaction is to lock my car doors and look around, is someone trying to break in my car?! What is going on? Why do I need to lock my doors?! 

Later on into service, He finally tells me. You need to lock your doors and go into an isolation so that you can close out the noise to hear My Voice. So wait, you want me to isolate myself and to listen to Your voice, but can’t I hear that normally without doing all of that? Wrong question haha. Isn’t it funny how when you ask a question He always has an answer? 

He reminds me of the story of John the Baptist in Matthew Chapter 3, he leaves his family and everyone he knows to go into the wilderness of Judea to hear the voice of God to prepare him for his ministry. If he had not gone into the wilderness then his own purpose and destiny of preparing the path for Jesus to come couldn’t have been fulfilled. Fun fact, I just recently returned from Israel and got to walk and see the Wilderness of Judea, the very wilderness that John, and Elijah and Jesus all went into to be pruned and prepared to be voices and prophets for the Lord. Its not a glamorous place, there are no trees, just mountains of rocks and caves, its not somewhere that you just decide you want to go, even though its breathtaking when you’re there. 

So Lock the Doors, it makes sense now. By being obedient to what the Lord says, you begin to operate in the purpose that He has for you. Who am I to question Him when He tells me to Lock My Doors, especially in this season that I’m in preparing to travel the world speaking about Him. If I’m not obedient to His voice now, why would I be obedient in Africa or India? I think we all need to get out of the mindset of God is different outside of the States. Is it easier to hear Him and see Him move outside of the U.S? I believe it is, but it’s not because He’s a different God, its because there are less distractions! It’s no wonder He said to Lock The Doors, if I don’t then I find myself too “busy” to make time for His voice. So I challenge you to Lock yours Doors, do what it takes to make time to be quiet and hear His voice in whatever season you find yourself in now.

Speaking of traveling the World, I’m now 1% funded!! It may not seem like much, but its definitely an answer to prayer! If you’d like to partner with me then Subscribe to my blog and if you feel lead then click that Donate button!


Be blessed

Ty!Judean wilderness in Qumran