Happy Saturday! Today, as I sit in a McDonalds (because I’m healthy like that), I have 22 thoughts for the 22nd of July. 

1. Jesus is the DIFFERENCE. This applies to every aspect of life (religion, peace, action, motive, salvation, life). Get to know him!

2. Choose Diligence over Haste every time (Proverbs 21:5). Haste is about obtaining something, Diligence is about who you are.

3. McDonald’s Deluxe Breakfast with hotcakes is still bomb.

4. It is less than 6 months until my team launches out for the Race! That’s SOON.

5. Church isn’t known for what Jesus had intended it to be about in many respects. However, he still loves his church and we have the ability to bring the change!

6. If Jesus was humble enough to be baptized by another man’s hand, I need to re-evaluate my mindset in situations/check my pride. 

7. If the Holy Spirit led Jesus to be tested by the Devil right after he was baptized and had studied the scriptures, rest assured as a follower you can expect it.

8. Get to know the Word of God. You’ll be thankful!

9. Star Wars Rogue One is on Netflix. Get it son!

10. Pensacola is HOT in late July.

11. 22 is 11 + 11. (I’m only a quarter Asian. Took me a little longer.)

12. There are some people who will simply not listen to you. Sometimes it’s best to be silent and walk away. (Half of the book of Proverbs would agree)

13. God Blesses those who trust in him. Actions follow that, but actions are not the qualification. Trust in him (Jeremiah 17:7-8) <cheated with the verse of the day.

14. I work better in public places. Talk about Extrovert problems. 

15. Resting is an art form. Some people have to put more effort into it. Don’t hesitate to do so if it does take more effort for you.

16. I got a free ice cream today. McD’s employees prob feel bad that I chose this place to stay at for so long.

17. People are real passionate about defending a political label here in the States. I’m curious what people in other countries think about that.

18. Speaking about politics, Jesus did not come to establish an earthly government. He came to impart his Kingdom (heaven) into the hearts of men through love. 

19. We ALL get to play a part in that! Spreading the Kingdom. 

20. I still have a LOT of money to raise in order to be sent. But in the midst of planning and praying, there’s much peace because I’ve been called.

21. McDonald’s Ice Cream is still the best out there (Fight me about it).

22. I am overjoyed and honored about the opportunity I have to go and work for/with Jesus! Everyone had been so awesome already in supporting and praying. Please don’t stop! Keep working with me to help fulfill God’s dream!