Training camp is over… so excited, kinda sad.

Training camp was not easy, at all. But I feel like I really grew in the past 4 days and that it was something I really needed before going out into the field. I think my biggest issue was not being able to shower whenever I wanted…. but I gotta learn to get used to that since it may not be available to us how it is at home.

Something that really has stuck with me is “I am an enemy of the devil”. I feel like we really need to be reminded often that the enemy wants to put words that aren’t true in our heads, especially when we are gearing up to go share the Good News with so many people. The enemy is so weak compared to our God and I can say that with so much confidence!!

My team is already my family.. Since day one we have all felt so close and it is really amazing to see how we’ve all bonded so much already. Everyone is so special in their own way and we are always together, even when its not technically “team time”.

We started out as a team of 12 including our 2 leaders but one of our team members felt like it just wasn’t the best time for her. We all could feel how hard it was for her but we all knew how strong and courageous she had to be to make that decision.. (Katie, we will be thinking about you!!)


Copied this from Drews Blog: 

We are flying 8h 5m flight to London.

In London, we have a 9h 50m layover before our 11h flight to Johannesburg, South Africa.

We have a 10h 45m layover in South Africa before a 2h flight to Lusaka, Zambia.

We are staying the night in Lusaka before an 8h drive to Livingstone.