My team and I have been in our new country for a few days now. We’ve only had one day of ministry but I am so excited to see how God works through us this month. I have had lots of downtime and probably haven’t been spending it the way I should be. I’ve been spending too much time on social media instead of opening up my bible and talking to Jesus. With that comes nothing but negativity.
It sucks that I have to sit and worry about one of my people dying. I’m scared for safety of my friends and family back home. Where i’m from there are way too many funerals and not enough weddings. There are way too many overdose dates and not enough sobriety dates. There are way too many people that fall victim to the streets. It’s a shame. It’s really a shame. I’ve been living in a third world country for more than a month now and feel safer here than I do in my own city and that has got to change. Something is not right. This is not how life is supposed to be. We can make the change but nobody wants to. We can be the difference in our own community but nobody wants to help anyone if it doesn’t help them.
Start being nice to your neighbor. Start lending a hand. Something so simple can be so life changing to someone. Invite an old friend that you know is struggling to church. Invest in people in your everyday life. Be friendly towards the cashier at the grocery store or the gas station. I want nothing more than to make an impact on other people’s lives. It’s so rewarding for yourself and not only that but for the other person. You can literally change someones entire life by having one conversation with them.
Don’t ever doubt the power of God, he wants to meet you where you’re at. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done or what you’re still struggling with. God is so good and wants you to feel his love.
I don’t know who I am writing this for but God does and I just hope it reaches that person.
Please keep my team and I in your prayers 🙂
Love you guys!
My team and I would love to pray for you so if you have anything you are struggling with please reach out and email me [email protected] or text me 502 609 3492.