Becca's Blog:

Right now, I just need to write this for myself. No one else.  I am so freaking frustrated.  I don’t even know why.  I know that Kristin nailed it on the head tonight when I shared during team time how stressed I am right now… “I think she’s processing.”
I knew this trip would be hard, but I really had no idea. I need to know that it’s okay to be processing, that I don’t have to have all my shit together.  Guess what?  God loves me just the same.  There is nothing that I can do to make God loves me any more or any less.  He loves me so freaking much! 
I’ve finally hit that point where I’m trying to figure stuff out and I don’t have any perfect answers or conclusions… and you know what??? It drives me nuts!  I like to have things figured out.  I’ve been told for so long that in order to be successful or valuable, I have to have everything figured out.  But God keeps telling me that I’m right where He needs me to be, and He’s going to use me in huge ways to bring Kingdom to the people on my team, squad, and the nations.