Senior year can be stressful, and like other Seniors, I found myself in a hard place. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do after my Senior year. I had lots of choices. My inbox was full of colleges asking me to check them out, and even apply. Something was holding me back and I simply wasn’t sure if I was ready to go, where to go and what to study. I took a faith-based approach to this huge question, hoping something would open up and show itself to me. The answer I was looking for did show up in the form of this great opportunity to visit places all around the world while fulfilling the Great Commission. 

When I heard about it, if I’m honest, I was skeptical. Was I ready for this? Would this be worthwhile? After reading many of these blogs, it seemed to me that it was worth it to many of the people who have participated in the World Race. I once read a blog about a miraculous healing that took place when people from the World Race prayed over somebody. Another blog I read talked about how the racer’s money was stolen, but God led her to give her blanket and some other of her few possessions to a man on the street and how she was kept safe. Everything I read came back with one message- “it was worth it.” Then, I remembered a piece of advice that a teacher I had long ago told me. When I was in middle school, this teacher recommended that I travel across the world before going to college. He said there would not be many opportunities to do so, and if I could do it before college, it would be worth it. Everything seemed to fall into place, and I’m excited about what God has for me in the future.