well here i am…5 days after returning from leading the real life kenya trip. i haven’t had as much sleep as i had hoped yet, but it’s all good. but, one thing i’ve had the opportunity to do is to reflect on what God has done in and through the students, nate-who was my co-leader and myself.
if i were to try and write about all that God did indeed do, this blog would be way too long, and i probably couldn’t almost remember everything in one sitting. but my heart is full of gratitude towards my God. everyday i see or hear something that reminds me of the things He has done over the course of these last two months…even the seemingly smallest of things.

based off of these last two months, i can’t imagine what else God would have for my life. i can’t imagine the levels He wants to take me to. every dream i’ve ever had He’s met exceedingly. so the obvious thing, i know, is to dream again…to dream bigger…bigger than anything i could ever handle on my own.
i can’t answer for anyone else’s life but one thing i know…God is taking me to a place where He saying in great excitement, “this is what i’ve set before you. take your pick!” and no matter what path i choose in faith, from what He’s set before me, all roads are in Him and leads back to Him. i think my perception has been skewed for a while about how God calls us to the things He has for us, but He’s making it more clear these days…or at least changing my perception.
so now i look forward to finding out where these roads lead. i’m like a child in sheer anticipation on which toy or candy or puppy to choose…but it’s so much more than this. so much more than a toy or candy or puppy. it’s Kingdom and it’s being a part of my Father’s eternal plan in continually bringing His Kingdom into the earth. this, i’m convinced, is now where i stand. i stand with many roads to choose from…no wrong road really…and my Father is smiling, telling me, “take your pick!”.