Wassup Yall!!

Well, here’s a bit about who I am.
I’m a 25 years old McGregor, Texas girl. I have a great family…my parents: L.A. and Petelia Caufield…who have been married for 26 years…soon to be 27, my two brothers: Anthony-age 21(soon to be 22) and Gerald-age24. My heart is knitted together with Gerald and Danah’s(Gerald’s wife) two kids…aka…my niece and nephew: CiCi (age4) and Big Baby (age3).

I’ve always had a heart to travel the world, but it wasn’t until the last 5 or 6 years that I had a heart to travel to fulfill the things that God has called me to. At this point I don’t know what all He’s called me to…I’m finding it out as I go on this awesome journey. I do know that He placed in me the desire to travel. In my young age, it was all about what I was going to do…see the peoples of the earth, see the sites…enjoy myself for myself.

As I have come to surrender myself more to the Lord, He has been cultivating in my heart more and more the desire to see His glory in the earth. Through experience, I realize that I see dimly in this world…shoot…His Word says that. He is the light of the world…so I’m headed towards the light.

God has amazingly blessed me and surrounded me with a group of people back home whom I consider family. Some are family by blood and the others are family by the blood of Jesus!!! They’re amazing!!! There are no words to describe the love they give and I’m thankful to be one of the recipients of this love and support!!

Enjoy The Journey!!!