I cannot believe it is already June. This year has just been flying by, and I can barely keep up. As demonstrated by a lack of blogging. Nick and I celebrated six months of an awesome marriage this past weekend. We sat talking about what it may have been like if we had waited till spring or summer to get married. I am so grateful we just went for it!

The Lord has been teaching me so much lately. It’s crazy all of the new things I am taking in each week. Not that I feel like he has ever withheld his teaching–rather I’ve neglected to listen. Nick and I have been going through a ten-week series with our church called “Story-Formed Life.” It was compiled by one of our friends and elders here in the community, but is actually quite simplistic in nature. It basically breaks down the thought that we are the center of “the story,” and shows us, through scripture, how God is the center of the story…and then how we fit in to that. I say it is simplistic because it only uses scripture to demonstrate it’s point, but it really is fundamental in changing our paradigm, and actually living a God-centered lifestyle. We are about mid-way through the series, and already I feel like it has altered my heart and many of my behaviors.

Lately, I have been working on my prayer-life. Because I am an internal processor, I spend a lot of time in my head–breaking down conversations, replaying interactions, and criticizing whatever I deem unworthy. I am working hard to change that. I am proactively trying to use my “thought time” to pray for people, and particularly while I am at work–a disgruntled customer, a buddhist co-worker, my [understandably] stressed-out boss, etc. Wow, has it changed my perspective.

The first week of SFL–titled “The Fall”–shows us that we are made is God’s image. Not only that, but we are all to blame for the fall. Not one of us is exempt. With that in mind, I have been challenged to look at people through the lens’ of Christ. Of course I’ve heard this before, but I’m not sure that I’ve ever actually implemented it…at least not here in America. It has helped me to be more patient, understanding, and forgiving, and has aided in prayer for people. I am so thankful that God is the center and not me.