*A hard copy will be mailed out within the next two weeks. If you would like one, and did not receive the first support letter, it is because I do not have your address. Please send me an e-mail by clicking “Contact Me” on the left hand side of the screen. Thanks!*

Hello all!

First off, let me just thank you guys so much for your support financially and spiritually. I could not be where I am without you! Now, allow me to update you all a bit on what is going on with me.

At the beginning of the month, after emptying my life of some
un-necessities, and packing my car full, I headed from my comfortable life in Florida to the good’ole garden state. I will be living with my sister for the summer, and have taken up the role as nanny of my nephew. I have also become my sister’s “house-wife”—cooking, cleaning, and running errands for her. I say that rather humorously, but I am actually really enjoying the change of pace. Despite the slower tempo of my summer, it will still be challenging. The most trying part for me will not be changing diapers or slicing poultry, but rather, it will be accepting the call to actually
be a minimalist.

I confessed to my mom the other day that, “I wish it weren’t looked down upon to have little; and I wish it was easier for me to
not care what people think.” I said this in reference to having to downsize the amount of “things” I have in my life. I gave away roughly two-thirds of my belongings to Goodwill—including clothes, movies, books, a TV, etc.—in order to make the move up here in only my KIA. Now I’m at the point that I wish I could give up more without caring. I wish I could wear the same clothes all the time, and not care what people think…that sort of thing. I am so accustomed to American society, though, that it is extremely hard for me to get rid of that mindset.

My mom called me a few days after I had mentioned that to her, and shared with me a portion of July 7th‘s entry in “My Utmost For His Highest.” It reads, “God’s grace produces men and women with a strong family likeness to Jesus Christ, not pampered, spoiled weaklings. It takes a tremendous amount of discipline to live the worthy and excellent life of a disciple of Jesus in the realities of life. And it is always necessary for us to make an effort to live a life of worth and excellence.”

Two things struck me with this—1.) That my mom heard and
listened to what I was saying. I said it in passing, not as something I thought she’d think about later. I appreciated her attention to my dilemma, and asked myself how often I actually do that with others. 2.) She was right on in sharing that with me. One of the biggest parts of this mission’s trip is taking on the role of Jesus’ disciple. This passage pointed out the fact that, though it is not easy, if you are called to it, it is necessary. I am really hoping to allow myself to be stretched in this area throughout the coming months.


  • I am at 23% of my funding! Yay!
  • I am with family, loving it.
  • My move went smoothly.
  • I
    am becoming a minimalist!
  • I have a tent and sleeping bag now.

Prayer requests:

  • Funding—I need to be at 50% support in order to leave in September
  • Diligence—I have much to read and study before I leave
  • Willingness—I need to be ready to be molded into who He desires me to be
  • Preparedness—spiritually, health-wise, in relationships, etc.

*The address for support has changed*. It is now the following:

Adventures in Missions

P.O. Box 534470

Atlanta, GA 30353

If you need a new support card and envelope, please let me know.

Traci VanSumeren


[email protected]

(229) 402-4610