It’s midnight, I’m wide awake, and I’m full of questions. I’ve been overwhelmed by all of this; everything that is involved in the preparation for the race. Several things are very daunting for me, and I feel like God is sick of hearing me pray for peace. I feel like He’s going, “Here, I’m offering it to you! Just take it already!” and I’m responding with, “But, but, but how?” or, “I can’t, though.” I know that Satan is snickering every time these thoughts cross my mind. I can almost see him saying, “Well, if I can keep Traci from fully handing this over to Him, then I still win. If she even has one morsel of selfishness in this, I am triumphant.” It is so frustrating to realize how selfish I am being, but I feel like I’ve been hitting some road blocks; or at least

big speed bumps–those kind you basically have to stop for, before ever-so-cautiously rolling over them. There are so many concerns that I have, but I’d like to share one of the more light-hearted ones.

I’m am completely out of shape (and can’t say I ever was
in it). I never played sports; I don’t remember ever running a full mile; and I’d probably wine about swimming a lap in my bath tub. I was the kid in high school that (no joke), in P.E. class, took the medicine ball and wedged in between two weighlifting machines, so that I could fall asleep on it without
falling over. All of that to say, that when I saw we would need to be able to run 3 miles in under 33 mins, I knew I better start now. Last week I started by committing to jog every day that I didn’t work my night job–so roughly 3 or 4 nights a week. I ran (and walked) for 33 mins on Sunday (the 11th)–I won’t tell you how far. haha. I ran for 33 mins on Monday–a little farther than the day before. Tuesday and Wednesday I worked. Thursday I did not work my night job, but I didn’t end up getting home till after 11pm (Day One of excuses). Friday I left for the weekend to go back to Tifton, Ga–I took a friend, and the thought of running never crossed my mind (Days Two, Three, and Four of excuses). When I came home Monday, I had aquired strep throat, and that basically shot this week. This is what I mean! I really did try to commit, but I got sick. So now I have to start again tomorrow, and I am worried to see what I can do after a week of basically sleeping……Okay, I just felt like God told me, “It’s alright; just take one day at a time.” Okay, I can do this.