We traveled back to Bangkok last Sunday night for debrief, and left for the Cambodian border early Thursday morning. I can actually say that I was even more excited to see Cambodia than when we first came to Thailand. It would take me hours to express all of the amazing opportunities that God provided for us these past few weeks in Sikhoraphum, Thailand. Our team was united in such an incredible way, and I know we owe that fully to Christ. We became a strong unit, ready and able to conquer any wall the enemy put in our path, and were empowered to go out and do HIS will to HIS people. Through praying for the blind, sharing Christ’s love and his son’s sacrifice with Sawat, ministering to and encouraging the pastor’s family, our Compassion Kid’s programs, and our many opportunities to share the Gospel through programs and English classes at the schools. Each individual on our team has had significant strengths come out like fierce swords against the oppressive Buddhist spirits that cover this area. Please continue to lift up the other individuals on my team. Not only are they a vital part of this ministry, but I also have to live with them for the next ten months :0), and I would like to know they are being covered in prayer from all sides.

This month’s ministry will be amazing, and I already feel God’s power upon our team to just minister to the community of people we will interact with. We will be stationed in Phnom Penh, Cambodia at a church called New Life in Christ. We will also be working with a CPCDO orphanage during the day. None of us really know what that stands for, so I’ll try to find out and get that back to you. At any rate, it is not a Christian orphanage, but many of the workers have come to know the Lord, as they have had many born-again believers come and work with them. According to what we’ve been told, the orphanage is extremely dirty and unhygienic. Some of our ministry to them, in addition to just loving on the children, may be to help them establish a plan to clean and then maintain the facility. It is very overcrowded, and Amanda Dums, from the January squad wrote an amazing blog on her experience there this past month. Check out her blogs for a slight preview of what’s to come for us this month.