Restoring a relationship after conflict:

1.) Confess your wrongs (even perceived ones) including apologies

2.) Don’t excuse or rationalize your mistakes

3.) Accept forgiveness

4.) Hug—tears may accompany

Wouldn’t it be nice if all conflict resolution was this easy? Unfortunately, it is not always like this.

Today I found myself in a perplexing situation. I had hurt someone I cared about deeply, and didn’t know how to reconcile it. I spent most of the morning completely distraught, agonizing about how it could have panned out differently. I prayed about it all day, but it took until later in the afternoon to feel at peace with God, knowing that I would try to repair it that night. While meant to be somewhat satirical, I sought our Father and basically followed the previous four-step plan.

Now came the tricky part. You see…God is dependable. I know that when I come to a place of humility with Him and ask for his forgiveness without rationalizing, He will grant it to me. Humans add an element of inconsistency that makes this situation a lot more fearful. For me, the fear lies in the possibility of rejection or
un-forgiveness. When faced with a situation in which you have executed actions horribly dishonoring to God, you are never quite sure how the other individuals involved will respond to your confessional booth conversation.

Not to discredit the other person affected, but it took a miracle to mend this circumstance. They had the full right to choose
not to forgive me, but they didn’t take that route. Amazingly, God softened their heart to hear what I had to say, and they chose to accept my sincere apology. I give God the glory, as this could have turned very sour due to my impulsive actions.

Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Update: So many of my prayers have been answered since I last posted.

1.) I have the money for insurance and vaccinations—thanks to some amazing people supporting me. I have no idea how you guys do it, but I have been so blessed by each of you that have given me direct funds.

2.) My AIM account also shot up this week—I am now officially at 1/3 of my total need. This is a huge mark for me, but ideally staff would like us to be at 1/2 before we leave. Thank you to all of you that have had a part in this.

2.) Our teams have been announced. Yay! This will help in the last bits of preparation, and has also brought a lot of peace to my heart.

3.) In addition, our itinerary has been announced as follows:

“Thailand here we come! Bangkok is where you’ll be landing to start your World Race. The first leg of the race will be held in Southeast Asia with ministry in Thailand and Cambodia. From there, it’s on to China where you’ll ring in 2008.You’ll then shift gears and head to Africa to serve the poorest of the poor in countries that have been ravaged by AIDS. Finally, you’ll head back to Central and South America to minister in this wonderful culture.”

Of course I am extremely excited to be returning to my “homeland.” It’s so surreal to think I will be back there in just over a month. In my mind it’s bizarre for me to think it’s even on the same planet, so to comprehend that I can get there by plane still baffles me. More information on specifics of ministry will follow in the next couple of weeks.

Psalm 9:1-2 “I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.”

This is an image from my front porch. Besides the obvious color editing, can you see what’s wrong with this photo?