This month our team is focusing on on finding and sharing about unsung heroes in Cambodia.  This post is part of an 11-blog series about our efforts.

Today's post by Katie Stoddard

Her name was Susu. And she was different.

After sending out a mass email to Christian contacts in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, I typically received lengthy replies outlining ministry efforts, asking questions about the World Race, and proposing a meeting to further discuss partnership possibilities. Susu’s email had just 8 words, “Hello Katie, Would you like to meet up?”  I loved her simplicity.

The next day, I received a text from Susu at about 10am asking if I could meet her at a coffee shop called Jars of Clay in an hour and a half. My teammate and I had made plans to go do ministry at the Russian Market that day, but we obliged Susu’s request and decided we could go to the Russian Market another day. Turns out, Jars of Clay is in the Russian Market area. It was at this point that we knew God wanted us to meet Susu that day and that He would have His hand in this meeting. I literally jumped in excitement.

As my teammate and I sat in the Jars of Clay coffee shop awaiting Susu’s arrival, we watched as customers continued to come in, hoping each one may be our “Unsung Hero.” Many people passed us without a look of acknowledgement, but then I saw Susu. She was paying her mototaxi driver for the ride she had taken to meet us. I knew it in my heart, “That’s her.” Just looking at her, I knew she was going to be special. It wasn’t in her looks or her clothes; she radiated a special kind of light. As she walked in, her eyes told me of her gentle, but strong, spirit, and her smile of her sweetness. As our conversation ensued, her story told me of her heart.

Susu has a background as a nurse in Fiji, and she now works as a missionary in Cambodia. She has ministries that operate both in the city of Phnom Penh and in the outer province. In the city, Susu and her team do ministry in the the rubbish dumps, loving on the people who live there, making relationships with them, and sharing the Gospel with them. Susu also provides donated clothing to the people who live in the dumps. She has prayerful plans that she will be able to open an orphanage by Christmas this year. In the outer province, Susu aims to bring the Word to unreached people groups. She and her team renovate houses in order to make them usable as house churches. They then raise up leaders in the local communities to pastor these churches and work to make these ministries self-sustaining.

As Susu shared with us, her soft-spoken words lingered with a sincerity of compassion, and they gave insight into the deep places of her heart. You see, Susu’s husband was killed in an auto accident while making a trip to the province where they do ministry (the road she often has to travel). As a missionary, she relies on a small amount of money from her friends in Fiji that helps support her ministries. She has a small team that gives everything to serve, and the excitement she exudes while talking about her plans for the orphanage make it known that those children will most definitely be well taken care of. While there is nothing superfluous or set in stone about being a missionary, Susu can, and wholeheartedly does, trust in God’s steadfast provision. She puts everything in Him, and He continues to pour into her.

Susu’s face lit up and her eyes sparkled when she talked about how God has been her provider, despite her past and present hardships.  Her eyes spoke tones of gratitude, awe, humility, and fulfillment. It is more than apparent that she completely trusts God to guide her footsteps in everything from when she began her ministry to prayerfully listening to what He wants her to do next. He continues to confirm her work, as He has for years before, and He tells her that she is exactly is where she is supposed to be. Most of all, He tells her that He loves her.

If I could paint a picture of an Unsung Hero, someone who has little but gives everything to serve the Kingdom, I would paint Susu. Her faith is inspiring and her story encouraging. The simplicity she carries comes from complete faith in her Provider, and her spirit speaks without her having to say a word. Susu isn’t like most people. She embodies Christ unlike others do, and she gives everything for Him. With little she has much, and from much she has eternity. Susu and her story made a lasting impression on me, yet I know that her love touches many. I feel so blessed to have spent just one hour with her. While one could describe her as an “Unsung Hero,” she is my hero too.

If you find a desire in your heart to help serve Susu's mission, you can be a part of blessing the people who live in the rubbish dumps with donated clothing. There is a need specifically for small- and medium-sized clothing (no larger sizes) for all ages. If you are interested in sending clothes, I can help you get them to Susu. Please contact Katie for more details. Your donation would mean more than you could fathom to these people.