Adventures in Missions (AIM) has partnerships with ministries all over the world.  World Race teams are sent to these ministries and then serve in whatever capacity is needed at the time.  There have been times when ministries will try to manufacture a spiritual experience for the teams, but those that do miss the spirit of the partnership.  AIM believes that as teams meet the felt needs of the ministries and allow them to serve the overall mission that God does the work of teaching and shaping His people as they work alongside Him. 


In Month 1, one of Emmi’s felt need was prayer and worship.  Several teams were assigned hours where they walked and prayed and listened for the Spirit of God. It’s more spiritual sounding than it is in actual practice, especially if it’s not something you normally do.  Go try it and you’ll see what I mean. Walk around your neighborhood and pray for 3 hours and you’ll find your mind will wander, you will start looking at the shops and thinking about how cute that bag is, you’ll strain to hear and feel aimless and somewhere in there, you’ll remember what you’re doing and start singing a song to focus your heart on God and pray.


In Month 3, we partnered with Orphan Voice which is run by the Brewers’ and serves orphans, youth at-risk for trafficking (usually orphans who have aged out of the system) and those with special needs.  We spent most of the month painting and scraping, while getting to hang out with the kids, teens and house moms who would sometimes work with us. 


I can’t say I personally got to see any lives transformed during my times there, but it was enough to simply be a support to those who are there long-term.  I realized that if I let it, I could let my desire to “change the world” get in the way of my desire to serve.  Many times God’s assignments may be quiet and undramatic. God had Aaron and Hur hold up Moses’ hands, while Joshua fought the battle (Exodus 17:8-13) and much of our ministering has looked like holding up the arms of a tired local. 


Around the same time we were painting and scraping, Orphan Voice was saving three lives. See this video to hear the full story.


We were allowed the part of beautifying the place where she stayed.  A couple of us also got to visit her at the hospital and help her with feeding the baby.  People play different parts but its God who orchestrates and positions us to be where He wants us to be and the month contained many moments of contentment from knowing that.