Last week, I spent three days thinking about a pair of shoes.  Yes. A pair of shoes. 

You see, I’m only bringing two pairs, so I’d been mentally analyzing every possible situation I might find myself in and was trying to think about what features would be the most important.  Support? Price? Breathable? Waterproof? Weight?

I’d been reading blogs to find clues to what types of scenarios I might find myself in, so that I can be prepared. Or at least minimize the chance that I’ll wish I had something that I don’t have.

That’s only a sample of the deliberation that has gone into what’s going to go in my pack. 

I’ve started to realize I need to talk to God about how I’m spending these last few days home and whether He really thinks it’s a good idea for me to spend 10 hours on the computer comparison shopping over the last couple things I still need to buy. 

Be prepared. You’re up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all over you’ll still be on your feet.(Eph 6:13, The Message)

It is important to prepare.  But there are other kinds preparing that need to happen as well.  Perhaps it would be better if for shoes; I put on the peace that comes from the gospel. That I meditated on how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news and how the Lord will clothe me as He has the lilies of the field

Knowing that as He leads me to the great unknown where feet may fail, I'll find Him in the mystery and isn't that the thing I should be focusing on?