So I just wanted to let you all know that I am indeed alive. I had a good few weeks in Cambodia, working with at an orphanage and just wandering around the area we lived in and making new friends.

We arrived in Hong Kong yesterday and we will be leaving in a few days after sitting through some briefings and a race day  I think I will be going somewhere cold with Muslims or maybe doing something at a University. And thats really all I can say about what I’m doing this month.

Sorry about not blogging in awhile, I just have been struggling with really wanting to write and put up blogs or really even go online, I kind of took a break in Cambodia from internet for few weeks. Unfortunately I will also have no access to the internet for the next few weeks until we get back to Hong Kong.

Once again, sorry for the long period of silence from me. It just means that we will have more to talk about when I get back to the States. Thank you again for all your support and prayers and I hope you continue to lift me up in this last month. We will be coming back to Hong Kong and spending I guess a week or more processing all thats taken place this year and going through some Life Planning material that sounds like it is pretty helpful. I’m really looking forward to being able to spend some time thinking about this year and being able to focus on seeing what all I’ve really learned.

I will try to put a blog up before we leave with some photos from Cambodia.Thanks again for all your prayers.