Its 1:30 in the morning and I”m sitting on the roof of our home in Lima. Its actually almost drizzling, which is weird because I’ve been told it rarely rains…We get a really low Wireless signal on the roof on certain computers…So thats a real blessing….But anyways I couldnt sleep so I thought I’d write another short entry.

 ———–  I am to tired to think of much, but I just wanted to ask you to prayer for one of our translators, Robert. He is not a believer yet, but God is working in his heart and I am sure he will become a brother in Christ by the end of this month. I gave him another teams Spanish/English Bible and told him he should read it and the first day he didnt but he was reading it today and in fct he actually fell asleep reading it tonight and it was cover his fce for the last 4 hours. So yeah if you could be just praying that God would use us as we live and go out with him for the next month. ———–

        Also I lost my bible in Nicaragua and am praying that I can get another one soon, I woul love a small one, but I might have to settle for borrowing a bigger one this month util someone can hopefully get me a small Bible.