Totally random photos(only ones I put on my jumpdrive, look for many more soon.

is a really beautiful area with a history that is anything but pretty.

The paganism of the Mayan culture has really left a spiritual legacy on the
people of this land.

This has been a week of teaching and an imparting of life experiences from some incredible men of God. I’m learning many new things and my way of thinking is being heavily challenged already.
I look forward to how God is going to continue to work in my heart as the year goes on.


 I should be getting some photos uploaded this weekend as we have a bit of a chance to relax, process and spend some time with the Lord and prepare our hearts and minds.

Oh, I was also put back on the Media Team a few days ago, so I am very excited to be back with my original family.

I love and miss you all and will be trying to put up some post with a bit more substance or photos. But I just wanted to at least post something.