Just want to give a quick update…… So we are in Lima,Peru now, the race went really awesome today and our travels into Lima went really good. All of the media stuff got through the airport in Lima without getting taxed, so that was a blessing(apparently they really like to charge people for anything that worth over like $1,000 and needless to say our gear far exceeds that value.

    So my foot is doing really good, my dear friend Amy has been taking care of it really well everynight and we got some burn cream during the debrief, so its healing really nicely. The inflamation is going down and so its not to painful to walk on now.

The debrief went really great, the location was gorgious and it was just a really good time to download what happened this month.
And we also made the decision in our team to do a more permanent split, so this is the new mini team that I’ll be spending the rest of the year with I believe. Its going to be Meagan,Chris Y. Jenny and myself.  I have to say I’m excited about this group.

I also think I’m going to love Lima, we got here last night at 12:00 and after an hr long bus ride to the church on the other side of the city and hour away and when we got there at 2:00, there was about 10 people from the church waiting to greet us. Its really awesome to be greeted so warmly when your not suspecting it all all.

So Lima is HUGE and I think I’m going to Love It!!!
Soon I will make up for some lost time with posting photos.But for now I’ve got to head out to dinner.

I love you all and I recieved my huge pile of letters from the church and my supporters and know that its really encouraging to know that you all took the time to write me. It was awesome, thanks so much!!!