Lately I’ve been reading this

Its a zine that talks about different ways to engage culture with the love of Christ. It has many interviews and articles by some really awesome Christian leaders. I highly recommend checking it out and also you should checkout..

Anyways, so I wrote a longer blog but I didn’t edit it so I’ll just post a short,slightly edited portion of it.

The Christian culture needs a huge facelift, we need to separate ourselves from those who wage war publicly on the evening news. We as Christians need to focus on loving others, not changing their minds or fighting the current of our culture.

The American church is changing, God is opening believers eyes to himself and our need to live in the radical ways that we have always been called to lead. We need to stop fighting and mimicking our culture and start building our own unique culture. We need to live in ways that reflects the creator. We are sons and daughters of the King. We have been given the heart of God for his creation. He has filled us with unique passions and talents, its time we fully embrace them. Our lives are an offering to the creator, make them something unique and special. Don’t settle for living a life that simply reflects the lives of those around you.

Few random photos from this week in Lomo de Corvina. We finally got the church walls constructed and were able to have this first service inside the walls.