Its almost, my eyes are burning and my mind is wondering all over the place, so after a long absence, I thought that I would at least peak my head out of the hole and let you guys know that I am indeed alive.

I’m struggling with really getting into blogging, mostly I think because none of my friends know about the site and so I’ve been unmotivated to begin writing. That and I feel like I haven’t even begun to prepare myself spiritually for all the challenges of the next year. I also feel that after reading some of blogs that I really don’t have much to say or contribute at this point.

I was hoping words would pour out once I started typing and instead my mind has finally grown tired of running and has begun to shutdown.

So, I’m alive and doing good, I’ve been working at Bath & Body Works for the last month, its my first time working in retail during the holidays, its been kind of crazy at times, but enjoyable and I’m surrounded my mostly sweet, lovely ladies, so its been great other than having to listen to the same Christmas cd over and over and over…. :  ( though I still find myself dancing around the store to it).

I will work on intentional or purposeful blogging eventually, but I thought I’d at least dip my toe in the water.
