After a long break from writing, I finally feel like I again have something to write about on here.

Since my last entry our team has mostly been spending our time with the Children at the Shelter. For the most part we play with them, throw them around, go down slides with them, try to help keep them from wondering to far or getting hurt outside.

I’ve been spending every night that I can with them and trying to help get them to bed, but really my presence probably got them more excited and kept them from sleeping.

I’ve always loved kids or at least thought I did, but I’ve really learned a lot this month about younger kids and how tiring and frustrating they can be, especially when there is like 15 of them.

Words or Phrases that I’ve been uttering far often this month;

No, get down from there, stop hitting her, give him his toy back, please stop pulling my hair out, no you cant take anymore photos, I already gave you two neck rides, You cant go play until you eat all your food.

But I’ve totally fallen in love with them, some more than others and I’m once again very sad to be leaving. Tonight I was asking my favorite little girl, if she was going to miss me and at first she was like no And I was like, Mary your making me sad, I’m going to miss you, do you not like me? And eventually she was like yes I’m going to miss you and then, she starting saying, Take me with you,please. Take me with you, please….over and over until I began really wish that I could take her with me.


She will be going with me, just not physically.

To hear the stories of these kids and to see how good they are doing to me is amazing. Most of them have HIV and/or TB but are being treated with ARV meds. that have hugely improved there health.

Its been a very different experience than I originally hoped to have in this country, but its been great to learn how to love young kids, which I never really felt very comfortable doing until now. I also learned a lot about patience and how having long hair is painful thing around kids.

I am in Bangkok now and my team will be heading North to Chang Mai on Sunday night. So far I’m really glad to be back in Asia again and am really excited about the last 3 months. After Thailand, our team will be heading to the Philippines!

Its been awhile since I’ve thanked you all for your support and prayers, but I just wanted to say that I am so incredibly blessed to have such an incredible group of people back home lifting me up and I again apologize for not keeping you as up to date as I should be doing.

Oh and sorry to anyone who had problems finding mysite, because they moved me to the correct team and it seems that the address got changed to

Instead of my full name, I was a bit confused when I went to my address and saw that no blogs had been posted, I thought it had all dissapeared completely…