So I want to apologize to those of you back home for not posting more frequently and for not really taking time to let you know specifically how you could be lifting me up in prayer.  Or even just telling fun stories, posting photos and such. So Im really going to try to discipline myself to become a more active blogger.

In the meantime, here are some things you can keep in your prayers.

     Spiritually – That I would be awoken in the morning with a
greater desire to get up and study the word and spend time with the Lord in prayer and praise.  Also that I would continue to know when to put the camera down and to get involved in ministry.

    Physically – I have been fighting the same annoying cough for most of our time in Mexico. It makes it hard to get to sleep at night. Also more energy, Ive been feeling constantly drained.   I also have been struggling to be motivated to work on stuff with my photos, so I guess in general I need greater desire,motivation and discipline.

   Financially – Im about $3,000 short on support for the trip. Also my team mate Jenny is way short, so if you lift her up in prayer to that would be awesome.

   My team will be splitting up to cover multiple ministries next month, so thats hard because were family, so we could use some prayer in how to best split us up so that each our gifts our utilized and that we as a media team can really be the most effective.