The last 4 or 5 days our team has been living in a village called Ban
Din and we spent 2 days clearing land for a future church. But what I
really enjoyed was just walking around the little farming village and
hanging out with the people. I mostly played with kids, took photos ,
had them draw in my book and sang songs occasionally.


We also had church on Sunday with the people and it was really amazing, the church had a breakthrough. Relationships were restored and Christians from another village asked forgiveness for how they treated the Pastor and his wife. About a year ago they were told to leave the village they had long been living in and ministering too. But yesterday God healed the relationship between the two families!
_TPW0094  Yesterday Thailand held its first ever National referendum to chose a
new Constitution. It was amazing to see how excited most of the people
in the village were, including the kids and teenagers, they all sat and
watched as they read off every single vote that had been cast in the
village yesterday. The choice was limited to yes or no. The people of
Thailand narrowly chose yes over no.
As I hung out around the voting area, I also noticed quickly that most of the men were pretty much drunk. It was really sad, but I think it was just a normal Sunday afternoon in that regards. But I really felt love for the men and had fun with them. The morning church service only had 4-6 men, the rest were woman, a ration that sadly seems to be true everywhere I have been this year.

I really loved our time in Ban Din, the Christians in the village just radiate with light, but there is still so much darkness in the community. I am glad that the Pastor and his wife will again be coming to the village almost every weekend, leading bible studies and church for Ban Din and the nearby village.

Today we are head toward the Burma border, to get our Passports stamped in Burma and pray over the country and its something God has been laying on Ray’s heart (the Missionary we are working with).
We will be staying near a long term Burmese Refugee camp in Thailand.