Hello everybody!  We are here in Haiti safe and sound.  It was quite the adventure to get here.  


September 30, 2012


11:30pm:  Went to bed with a house full of 50+ people.


October 1, 2012


1:30am:  Still not asleep

2:30am:  Still not asleep

3:00am:  Finally asleep

3:30am:  Alarm clock goes off

4:00am:  Bags packed and out of the house.

4:05am:  Began cleaning the house

4:45am:  Finished cleaning the house

4:46am:  Began loading busses to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

5:00am:  Left San Juan headed to Santo Domingo

8:30am:  Arrived in Santo Domingo.

9:15am:  Hannah tripped on a crack in the sidewalk and fell into a mud puddle.

9:20am:  Hannah emerged from the bus station bathroom relatively clean.

9:45am:  Loaded the bus for Haiti

10:00am:  Left for Haiti

2:45pm:  Timothy got motion sick from Mr. Toad’s wild bus ride through the mountains

3:45pm:  Arrived at the Haitian border

4:30pm:  Cleared Haitian border

5:45pm:  Arrived in Port Au Prince, Haiti

6:00pm:  Loaded onto a flatbed truck and found out it was a 3 hour ride to Mission of Hope International

6:20pm:  Stuck in an insane traffic jam with cars going both ways on both sides of the road and sidewalk.

9:00pm:  Arrived at Mission of Hope

9:15pm:  Supper at Mission of Hope

11:00pm:  Orientation for team leaders with ministry contact.

12:15pm:  Bedtime.