So I’m a little over a week into my World Race and hear in Ireland I have
had some really new and inspiring encounters with the Holy Spirit. A couple
nights ago we were worshiping and praying and I felt my hands become quite warm
and start to tingle kinda like they do when they fall asleep. This has never
happened to me before and I knew it was the spirit and that I needed to lay my
hands on people and pray for them. I didn’t know what to pray and so I just put
my hands on a couple peoples shoulders and prayed in tongues because I didn’t
know what else to pray. I ended up praying over Mike (a fellow team leader on
my squad) and I began to know to just pray for the Spirit to fall on him and
baptize him in fire. It was an awesome experience when, just as Acts says with the laying on of hands and praying over one another, the Spirit
came, fell, and filled us both. In the past few days my teammates have also been
seeking empowering in their lives and have grown in strength, wisdom, prophetic words,
boldness, and power before my very eyes. What I am seeking, what I think we all are seeking, is for the Fire of the Holy Spirit to continue to come that will heal, break, redeem, and bring life to us and that who ever we see, touch, speak to, lay hands on, around the world will receive the same fire. Here in Ireland, I have experienced the
Holy Spirit more intensely than ever before and am very excited about what is
to come for us all as we press on and press in.