departing Croatia and a
short stop in Belgrade, Serbia, we arrived in Sofia, Bulgaria
for a short reprieve from ministry to have some time as a squad (all 42 of us
on the Aug. 09 K squad) and readjust our teams for the next phase of ministry.
Team Petra,
which I had the honor and privilege to be a part of and lead for the first
three months of the race, fulfilled its purpose in God’s plan for this trip. I
love each member of that team and am very glad for the time, growth, and experience
we had together.

            I have the
great honor now of leading a new team for the next part of the Lord’s plan on
this race and am happy to introduce to you “Phoenix.” We chose this name because out of
the ashes of the old squad teams God raised a new team, us, to continue on and
carry out His will and plan. And it’s just a ridiculously cool bird and name. I
get the privilege of remaining with Joel Williams, Jennifer Mitchell and Martha
Lemke from my first team, and am blown away and excited to have new teammates
in Lindsay Nelson and Ashley Weaver. As soon as our team was announced I felt
the Lord’s excitement for us and we already have a strong bond as a team and
are growing closer together every day. Continue to hold us up in prayer, that
God will strengthen our new team and family identity and draw us closer to Him
and his plan for us.
