Month Two ~ Costa Rica
Next month we will be working in the slums outside of San Juan, Costa Rica!! 
We originally were planning on Nicuragua, but things are never certain here on the w.r. We have limited information about what we are going to be doing, where we are going to be staying and just in general what it is going to be like. But from pictures and some info I have found on google, we will beliving with the poorest of the poor. There are about 34,000 people in this slum and most of them are from Nicaragua. Most of the pictures ive seen are of dirty babies outside of their cardboard/metal/wood/plastic houses, it is beautiful. It will be just our team plus Sean (squad leader) which we are extremely excited about. This month will be an answer to our prayers. 
We will be staying in a “ministry center” all we know about it is the following, we will have a shower and a kitchen and cement floor space. It sounds like we don’t really have a set plan or job for every day but more like a variety of different things we can do. Which will be great for us because it will give us a chance to start ATL’in alot more.  I can’t tell you how excited I am to be going to Costa Rica, I’ve always wanted to go there, not necessarily the parts that I will be at but we’ll have vacation days right? Mine will be most definately be spent in the surf!
We leave La Cama on the 4th and we are staying at our Guatemalan contact’s mission house, to relax for a day or two. On the 6th all the teams will meet in Guatemala City and we will all eat dinner and catch up. On the 7th we leave at 1pm and arrive in San Salvador at 5pm and we’ll stay the night there. On the 8th we leave at 5 am and get to Managua at 5pm, wow, long day. Then on the 9th we leave at 7am and supposedly arrive in San Jose at 2pm? This is if everything goes perfectly, haha which is unlikely. So please keep our squad in prayer doing these couple days. 
Thank you all for following our ministry here in Guatemala! It has been so much fun! I have learned so much, and we have been able to help the people here in La Cama soooo much it’s been unbelievable. I have raised almost $6,000 so far and I am aiming for $8,000 by the end of November. Please pray about supporting me in this ministry, also spread the word as much as possible, tell everyone about this blog and that i’m raising money. Thank you to everyone who has supported me thus far, email me anytime if you would like to know mor about what i’m doing or if you have any questions about anything! 
Love you all! Miss you! God Bless!!