Costa Rica ~ Week One

   Well it has been a looong last week. La Cama to San Lucas (2.5hrs) to Guatemala City (1.5hrs) to San Salvador (6hrs) to Managua (13hrs) to San Juan (12hrs) to La Carpio (1hr). We left La Cama on the 4th stayed in El Salvador the 7th, Nicaragua the 8th, Costa Rica the 9th, New Horizons in Corpio, our new home, the 10th.

   La Carpio is a slum outside San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica. There are about 35-50,000 illegal Nicaraguan squatters living here. It’s the poorest place in the whole country but they come here because it’s better than what they had back home. New Horizons is the ministry we are staying at and working with. There is sooo much that we will be doing here. All with kids from about kindergarten – 17 years old. It’s basically a place where kids can come to get off the streets. The boys play soccer ALL day EVERY day, and the girls go to school.

   It has been a lot of fun so far but it is non-stop and chaotic! It can be very draining, once again we are learning a lot from this experience about ourselves and being stretched. BUT that is why we are headed to the beach this week!!! Can’t wait! For me it is a dream come true to come to Costa Rica and especially go to the beach in Costa Rica!

I promise I will have pictures coming soon!

   After only a month on this trip I have already seen so much. Where ever we go and whoever we meet we leave behind us Hope and Joy and Dreams, we leave Kingdom. We are leaving our Increase legacy around the globe. It is and will continue to be great. We have changed so many lives after this short time it’s incredible to think of how many more are to come. We are literally changing the world.

   The foundation of a HUGE church has been laid. A pastor and his family’s spirits, hopes, dreams and vision have been radically increased, and we have set them up for many future mission trips to come. Kids who have no one that cares for them are loved. People with no hope are filled. Dreams are set on fire. We are continually being blessed everyday as well and are all soo excited to share and pour into anyone an everyone as a result. That’s how it works, your freely given you freely give, you are poured into you pour into. Its wonderful haha.

   I am not fully funded yet and I have a new goal to raise $4000 by the end of the year. A very possible and achievable goal. I need this to continue my journey. I ask that you all prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. You are not just donating to me you are donating to everyone that I come in contact with everyday. You are donating to churches being built, lives being changed, hope being instilled. Your donating to orphans, your donating to the sad, the lonely, the abused, to pastors and to prostitutes, to my teammates and to many people back home who read my blogs.

   Your donating money to a hands on, personal and effective way to change the world. I invited everyone to spread the world about this ministry and my blog page, sign up for the auto updates and you can keep track of us and read the stories of the Kingdom. Thank you all sooo much! I’ll write again soon!!


(all pictures are from google)