Costa Rica ~ Final Thoughts?

I apologize, my thoughts have been scattered lately I havn’t been able to spend much time thinking about blogging.
Here is what I was able to throw up   🙂
It has been a weird month. There has not been much to talk about. Our days our simple. Wake up, eat, kids come, we play, we

 eat, they leave, we relax,  we eat again, we hangout, we go to bed, repeat. So simple yet for some reason so overwhelming. I feel like it’s been another month of preperation. Another month filled with learning. A month focused on my growth. We took a trip
 to the coast for a little vacation. I took the opportunity to get babtized. It was amazing. I found myself once again asking “is this real?” and then God whispers “yes. this is real.”  The country is beautiful, the people are beautiful, our ministry is fun, everythings easy here. PuraVida they say. Pure Life? I think? Hahah idk. We leave on wednesday, back to Nicaragua for debrief. Then off to Thailand? Probably. But who knows. I will give yall another update when I know more! P.S. my birthday is on the 8th! pray I won’t spend it on a plane flying over the Pacific! 
Community Living
(a quick “poem” by me for you)
Where making animal noises becomes a ligit form of entertainment.
A chance to practice grace and patience ALL day EVERY day.
An opportunity to have all your flaws revealed to you.
It’s your turn to do the dishes.
Sometimes it’s ok to cry after being called ‘stupy’.
Being able to REALLY know who someone is.
The stellar, the amazing, the great, the good, the average, the boring, the same, 
the bad, the sad, the horrible, the ugly, the really ugly.
To be able to love UNCONDITIONALLY.
Wow…THAT REALLY smells.
Days together and days far apart.
Please help me, please let me help you.
We are a team not matter what.
Jeffery was on one of the best soccer teams in Costa Rica but he had to quit because his family couldn’t afford the travel. 

He is 15 and he spends all of his time mentoring the children here. He is an amazing man of God.

Tonya is 5 year old girl whose mother goes to school here at New Horizons. Tonya is also hermother’s sister. 90% of the kids in Carpio are sexually abused. 
These people I meet are real. Their stories are real. I will not change Carpio in my few weeks here, but people like Jeffery can. I can help people like Jeffery. We are here to pour into the next generation of Carpio. A group of teenagers that refuses to follow the evil footsteps of some of their parents and peirs. A group of teeneagers that knows theres more to life.
But they can’t do it alone and I can’t do it alone.
We need your help.
Please consider making a donation. 
Spread the word about what we are doing out here and soon to be around the world.
We must raise $4000 by the end of the year.
You can click “Send Support Here” to send in a tax deductible donation right now !!!
Check out more pictures on Facebook!