One of the first questions any of us will ask when we hear of a friend or family member making a big commitment such as this mission trip is why. Why choose to go on an eleven month long trip to so many parts unknown? Honestly to that question my first response is almost always: why not? Why not go? I can think of no great reason I can not or should not go. I am currently single with no children or pets to worry about leaving behind. I do have many dear family and friends I care about, but they are all in support of this mission. I’ve found in the past whenever I’ve opened up my mind to the idea of moving, God steps in and directs where I’ll end up being. First I moved to Alaska after culinary school, then it was Wyoming, later Fort Worth, Texas, and now most recently it is the World Race. I truly believe that God uses not just the prepared or “best suited” to be His hands and feet, but also those who are simply happily willing to follow Him wherever He may lead them. That is my motivation: to joyfully follow God’s will for my life. To open myself up to a life I could never have imagined for myself but one that is so much better than my wildest dreams. I hope to seek Jesus, to know God, and to love them both more and more with the help of the Holy Spirit as I serve and learn in equal measures from them.

Won’t you join me? Join me in saying yes to whatever opportunity God presents to you today. Join me in believing that His will is good and for our own and others benefit. Join me in living each new day as the wondrous gift it is. Join me won’t you?