Hello Beloved,
We all know God performs in the biggest ways and my life has been no exception to the
wonderful works he does. Six months ago I began to feel within my soul a pull towards
something big. I didn’t know how to explain what i was feeling I just knew God was about to call
me to move in a big way. So i started praying, “God I know you’re pulling me toward something.
Please help me to be ready when you reveal to me what it is. Help me to surrender to your will
and abandon my own. Please strengthen my faith. Amen.” Little did I know, four months later he
would lead me to the World Race.
What is the World Race? The World Race is a missions program supported by the
organization, Adventures in Missions. While on the World Race I will be serving in 11 Countries
in 11 months. In August 2019 I will be traveling to China, Nepal, India, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Turkey,
Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia. Through the World Race my team
and I will serve in partnership with churches and ministries in local communities, plant churches,
teach in orphanages and minister to women and children trapped in human trafficking. Now,
onto the reason you are reading this letter, I need your help!
First and most importantly, I am asking you to please pray with me and for me and my
team. This is a new experience, not just for me but also the other 14 people going with me.
Please pray that we will be strengthened and that we will courageously follow our Lord and
Savior wherever he leads us, to do everything he tells us to do, in obedience and compassion
and love.
Secondly, like most missions programs, World Race participants are required to
fundraise financial support. In order to be fully funded by my last deadline in November 2019, I
will need to raise 19,800.00. This money will cover all field expenses for the 11 months of the
mission. I am asking that you prayerfully consider supporting me in this. I cannot do it without
the generous giving of others.You can donate by going to:( tiffanyharsh.theworldrace.org) and
clicking the “support me” tab. Also you can mail a check to: P.O. box 742570 Atlanta, GA
30374-2570 but if you choose to donate this way, please contact me first and be sure to put my
name “Tiffany Harsh” in the memo line on the check.
If you have any questions or would like to sit down and talk about the amazing work God
is calling me to do, please email me at ( [email protected] ) or call me at (931-310-0760) .
You may reach me through my Facebook and Instagram @tiffymich333, as well. If you want to
stay up to date on all the latest news, be sure to subscribe to my blog:
“Everytime i think of you i give thanks to God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for
all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the good news” Philippians 1:3-5
All my love and thanks,
Tiffany Harsh
Adventures in Missions is a tax-exempt organization under IRS code 501(c)(3) and is a member of the ECFA. (Evangelical Council
for Financial Accountability). Due to IRS and ECFA regulations governing the administration of tax deductible donations given in
support of a particular trip/program, support contributions given on behalf of an individual will be used to offset the costs of the
trip/program you are involved in. All contributions are non-refundable regardless of the participant’s success in completing the