How do you get to the point where it sounds appealing to pack up your life into a backpack and spend the year not knowing where you're going to live or what you're going to eat in order to tell people about the grace found in Jesus?

I didn't set out to be a missionary.
I didn't want to be the crazy one who gives up every thing.

This is a little snapshot of my story.

To use the cliche, I was raised in the church.
My parents taught me all about God and what it looks like to love him.
At an early age, I accepted Jesus and put my faith in his death and resurrection.
In turn, I was a relatively "good" kid.
At 18, Satan took hold of my rebellious streak and used it for his purposes.  I soon found a new group of friends that enjoyed participating in things I didn't agree with.  I found myself with a new boyfriend that my parents didn't approve of.  I became the "good" kid on the outskirts of a bad crowd. 

But God did not abandon me!

I still had good parents and a good sister and a couple good friends.
One such friend used her influence over me to coerce me into applying to a university.  I had previously decided that college was boring seeing as I graduated from the local school in a year and a half.  I wanted more of a challenge but I found my challenge out in the world.
That "one such friend" soon became a tad bit annoying and I relented by applying to her school.
  Philadelphia Biblical University.
Don't get me wrong.  I had no intention of actually attending this institution of higher learning.
Wouldn't you know it.  God had a different idea. 
All in one fell swoop, my boyfriend went to jail and I got accepted to PBU accompanied by a pretty appealing scholarship.
I moved to CO to live with a cousin while I straightened out my life.
During this time, PBU hung out there in the edges of my vision.
God led me to attend PBU.
Whenever people asked how I ended up in Philadelphia, I would respond, "God made me come."

So it happende that I attended PBU long enough to graduate with a degree in Biblical Studies with a focus on youth ministries. 
I was blessed with the 2 most amazing roommates ever.
Amanda and I used to joke that we were brought to PBU to grow as people not to learn.  But learn we did. 
God is good beyond anything we can begin to understand.

Then it happened again.
God made me move.
I had been in Philly for 3 years and I loved it there.
But it was time to go to Dallas (close to where my family lives).
I've had a rough time in Dallas and have constantly been looking for a reason to leave. 
To go anywhere.
I had heard of the World Race.
And it sounded really exciting.
I started reading the blogs of a girl I knew at school.   Here name is Stephanie Bernotas (read her blogs, you won't regret it).  Through her writing, God brought me to apply myself. 
He has brought me this far and I trust that he will bring my journey where he want it to go.

So you see how God has brought me this far and how he will use you to continue my journey.
I envy your prayers.  God uses them.