One of the things that I've heard consistantly when telling people about the World Race is, "You're really brave."

But I'm not.

I'm terrified.

I'm really, really scared.

And part of me is afraid to admit this because…. I'm a badass.

But I've found that I'm more bark than bite.

I'm scared of leaving my family.

I'm scared of giving up a good job where I don't want for money.

I'm scared of leaving the support of my friends on a daily basis.

I'm scared of eating new foods because I'm kinda a health freak.

I'm scared of reliquishing the superficial world that I embrace every single day.

I'm scared of living with the same people for a year.

I'm scared of not being self sufficient.

I'm scared of lving out of a backpack for a year.

I'm scared of being completely dependent on God in ways I never imagined.

I'm scared of not knowing what is going to happen tomorrow.

I'm scared of letting go of the vision I've had for my life.

I'm scared of not being able to pretend that I'm in control. 

I'm scared.  I'm scared.  I scared.