Dear Family and Friends,


On May 12th, we arrived safely back in the US. After traveling the world, 12 countries in 11 months, it seems almost strange to be home. As we reflect on the past year we are astonished at all the ministry opportunities the Lord placed before us. This year has taught us so much about God’s unending love and his love for the poor in spirit. We have learned what it means to truly rely on God and to trust his heart. We could speak for hours about all the things we saw God do. It has been a blessing to be a part of God’s great commission, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. (Mark 16:15)

THANK YOU:       

We could not have been a part of any of this if it were not for you! Thank you for your sacrifice, love and most importantly prayers! God has used you this year to be a blessing to others. You may never know how much of an impact you had by praying and giving until heaven. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all you have done! We prayed that God would provide and he did, THROUGH YOU! 


          We are currently in Louisiana visiting my family. We will be here until to God tells us what’s next. We have applied for a few jobs at Compassion in Colorado Springs. We have also been offered another ministry opportunity for Disaster Relief in Alabama. We are praying for clear direction for the next season. We have faith that he will continue leading us and even though the World Race has come to an end, the journey has just begun! God Bless you and your family!

Tom and Casey Kowatch