I am loving Romania! The children from the village and the women from Jubilee home have captured my heart. Let me explain a little of what we have been doing so far in Romania.

We have had the awesome opportunity to play with the village children. We went on Sunday and my heart was immediately warmed. As soon as we pulled up, children began coming out of the woodwork. We had the chance to play ball with them, give piggy back rides, and just love on them. They were desperate for attention and we loved giving it to them. Those same children came to Casa Shalom on Tuesday and Wednesday. We had the chance to play with them, sing songs, perform a skit, tell them about Jesus and fed them until they were full. It was so great! There was a beautiful girl that clung to me and I to her. Her name is Anna. She was so despirate for love, and I loved giving her the attention she needed. As I was hugging her, I noticed she had lice. I didn’t let that stop me. I was called here to love and tell others about Christ and I will not put stipulations on what I will allow that to look like. I told Tom from the beginning, I will love anyone that the Lord puts in my path; may that be someone with lice, a contagious sickness, or whatever else that may look like. God has called me therefore he will protect me. I have decieded that there are no bounds to whom I will love.             
We are also working at a women’s home called Jubilee. This home is for women who have mental, physical and emotional problems. I would have never thought I would love this type of ministry as much as I have but it has touched my heart in new ways. There are 3 girls that have really been on my heart and I give them all my attention. Today I will tell you about a girl named Vandana who has the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. They say she has the mentallity of a 7 year old and is in her 20’s. Since we have begun ministering at Jubilee I have been drawn to her and am trying to build a relationship. Durning our time there I have noticed that she is a lot smarter than they give her credit for. She knows her alphabet, how to read the bible, and how to make braclets. These are all things I did not know she was capable of at the beginning because they do everything for her but I wanted to give her chance and see what she was capable of. I’m so glad I did. She is a smart girl but she has not had people pour into her and give her a chance. I pray that others would see what I have seen and invest in her. I’m beginning to think that something happened in her past that has caused severe developmental issues. I have also noticed that she is a cutter, so that leads me to believe there is more going on in her head than people notice.

If you could join with me in prayer for Vandana that God would continue to open up the doors to her heart. I believe he wants to do wonderful things in her life and bring delieverance. I am also praying that she feels the Love of her father in heaven. No matter what has happened in her past he has been there and he deeply cares for her. Thanks for reading. Take care