Hey, my name is Tom Kowatch, I’m 27 and currently finishing up my Bachelor’s degree in Healthcare Sciences.  I’m also about the get out of the army after serving for 7 years as a medic.  I’m blessed to have an incredible wife, Casey, who continues to be a daily inspiration.  I’m a huge hockey fan since it’s pretty much that greatest sport on the planet!  I grew up in Carmel, IN and moved out to Colorado once I joined the military when I was 19.  Pretty much lived out here in Colorado Springs since then, with the exception of a few deployments to Iraq.
For a very long time, I’ve had a restlessness that I could never quite put my finger on.  Very early on in my relationship with my wife, we both discussed our desire to do more than just live the comfortable day to day American life.  In the past year of our marriage we have had opportunities to enter the mission field but have not felt the Lord speak to us and truly open the doors for us to take advantage of any of those experiences.  Then recently the Lord has shown us The World Race and in what seems like the blink of an eye all the doors have opened and the Lord has brought a peace into our lives that we so desperately desired. 
I can’t tell you how much I look forward to this experience and to see how the Lord will work in my life so that I may grow closer to


Hey, My name is Casey. I am 26 years old and am married to a wonderful man who blesses my life daily : ) I also have an adorable little puppy named Zoe! I am a college graduate of Southwestern Assemblies of God University. I work for an organization called Compassion International, which provides nutritous meals, education, bible teaching and so much more to children in third world countries.  I enjoy watching movies, the office, taking naps, talking to my old college buds and spending time with friends. 


For the past four years missions has been a constant on my heart. I have specifically been burdend for the orphaned and forgotten children of this world. My heart burns to reach out and touch each one of these little ones with the love of christ, to show them that they are not alone in this world. Over the past year God has been preparing my husband and I for the World Race. There were several other opportunities that presented themselves but we did not feel peace that this was where God wanted us; looking back we can now see why. Throughout the entire process of interviewing and being accepted to the World Race we have felt complete peace and know this is exactly where God wants us! I am so excited to continue to be molded and shaped into who he wants me to be, to be stretched beyond my wildest imagination and to touch a hurting world through his love! I’m so excited!!!