The Philistines are upon us!

That was our initial thought as 60 teenagers arrived at Emek Beraka just a few hours the youth left on Monday. Although their individuality and their acts surprised us, we really learned to love them with the love of Christ.

The theme of the camp was the Olympics. All of us were divided into groups with names of countries, and the games began! We filled their week with sports and adventure, building relationships with them and sharing with them the love of Christ.

Every morning we, the full time team, prayed for an hour to seek God’s guidance and strength for the day. We got a chance to share the gospel with every teen, giving them the opportunity to receive Christ in their hearts.

One of the highlights would be the Iron Man competition, where they paired up and raced through 17 challenges, mentally and physically, to the finish line. They had to build a fire high enough to burn through a certain string, solve a brainteaser, and search for colored rocks in a field, work together and overcome fears. It was amazing to see God changing individuals, drawing them nearer to Him.

The week drew to a close, and as the teens left, the campsite become filled with ever-energetic, ever-running-screaming-jumping-playing little people ages 4 to 13. They were taken back to the time of Jesus in Jerusalem. Every day they went to the Jerusalem marketplace. They became part of the culture by making harps, weaving their own rugs, smelling and tasting spices, and so many more.

They experienced the life of Jesus firsthand as they saw dramas of the people in the marketplace who knew Jesus. God really used that, as well as the other activities on the camp, to show His Fatherheart to them and draw to them and draw them closer to Him. The kid’s camp was tiring, but amazing spiritually.

The five weeks of the camp was a Godly success as His will was done and His kingdom expanded. God is starting something new in the church of Bosnia, so please pray with us that this will be done.

We were in Croatia for debrief, resting in God and sharing experiences of what our King has been doing throughout Bosnia and Croatia. We were also blessed by a Croatian church-planter and brother in Christ where he is sharing his journey and wisdom with us.

We are making our way to Turkey and Egypt where we will visits Biblical Sites and continue with ministering to the people God puts on our way. Please pray for our team, specifically for strengthening us, leading us and for our finances.

Blessing in Christ from the Yellow team! Thank you for every one of your support and carrying us in your prayers.