Pressing forward to the upward call!

The 400m final has been announced and the athletes take in their positions. These athletes have been preparing for many months, hours of training everyday. This is the ultimate track event and there is no turning back. The most challenge part of the 400m race is the last 100m sprint; you have to finish strong!

The Yellow Team is lined up and they are taking up the challenge. This will be the ultimate race; finishing the ‘World Race’ strong.

We started the World Race with very little funds in our account but stepped out boldly, leaning on Gods promise that He will provide every step of the way and He has been faithful. Everyday we woke up knowing that God has already provided for this new day. We worked on a very tight budget and used half a dollar per person per meal. Never did we go to bed hungry or cold, God satisfied our desires.

There were many occasions where God blessed us. While we were ministering on the Island of Koh Sireh in Thailand the community blessed us with a bag full of fish. Like princes and princesses we sat at the banquet table of our Father. In Greece we had the opportunity to sing our South African folk songs on the squares and street corners and raised enough money to pay for our train ticket to Ephesus. We would find a wild fig-tree when really needed. We have been obedient, faithful in prayer, fasting and trusting God and He has brought is all this way.

We are on our final stretch and we need your support. We do not have enough funds to finish the race, but we choose to press forward in faith.

The Yellow Team is asking for your support: please help us raise enough money to complete the World Race.

We need 
