This morning we woke up with the singing of the orphan children, their voices echoing in the distance.

Our tents are pitched in the middle of a dusty field where the children spend the most of the day: playing cricket, basketball and soccer.
  This orphanage is situated

on the outside of Dehli.

This must the hottest place on earth!

The dry heat hangs on your body and not even the night brings hope for cooling down.
There are 80 orphans and most of them are dropped off by their parents or picked up on the slumps outside of Dehli.
  They arrive here in a terrible condition:
  lice, scabies, flies and they suffer from mal nutrition.
  They are currently building a new

orphanage to make home for 1000 orphans.

We have jumped into the activities of

the orphanage and helping out everywhere:
  painting, teaching, playing games, cutting hair, organizing the storage room and just loving the children.

They have Bible study and prayer 3 times a day.
  The children do the Bible reading and 

prayer; some of them are just 7years old.
  These children have such a hunger for


love and a place of belonging. 

wonder Jesus said:
Leave the children 


the little ones to come to Me, and do not forbid or restrain or
hinder them, for of
such is the kingdom of heaven composed.Matt.19:14

I can picture Jesus with all these children sitting on His lap.

A lot of the girls are brought here by their parents to learn English and  

 become the families slave.

The parents use the orphanage for a

opportunity to school their children. 
When I look at these children and their

lives it breaks my heart, what is their future
without Jesus?
  I have

nothing to complain about, life is hard but my life has never been
this hard!
  These children celebrate life even though they walk alone,

without parents.


This is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it.

We are on a mission to brighten these children’s lives.
  One of the things we feel would make a huge difference is to restore their three rooms they live, sleep, and eat in.
  So, our idea is to go buy some fun, bright colored paint and completely redo their rooms.
  We would love to paint scriptures on the walls, and hopefully a mural.
  I’m so excited for this opportunity to bless these children with a new room.
  Our only obstacle is in the financial side.
  We do not have enough money to complete this project.
  So, I’m asking you to please pray with me and see if God leads you to give to these children.
If you would like to help us out, there is a way of donating through this
website…or you can contact AIM personally.