Thank you for your prayers concerning our breakdown near Matamoros, Mexico! We were able to repair the van, but after we prayed we didn´t have peace to continue with the van, so we decided to make use of local transport and took the first bus to Vera Cruz. Our race from Matamoros to the statue was successful, we finished in 23 hours 45 minutes!

The Ama-Jikalezas in Vera Cruz                                                                   Misol Ha waterfall near the hotel

We left Vera Cruz at 10:00 for Palenque. We arrived late at night at the Cascades Hotel in Palenque where our fellow American teams were staying. It is very near to the Misol Ha waterfall and a great place to experience God´s beauty in His creation. We were so happy to have a warm shower and a horizontal place to sleep, for we travelled the last three days continuously!!