Hello friends,

It’s been a while since we’ve posted to this red team blog, but we wanted to post a special prayer request.  Right now, our team has split up to travel through different sections of Europe, but I’ve found out through e-mail that our teammate Sarah Rinn is ill. 

Sarah found a bump on her head, about two weeks ago, then began to experience a fever and shooting pains in her head.  An Italian doctor gave her a prescription, which unfortunately didn’t help.  She was admitted to the hospital to have some tests run, but nothing was determined.  She made the decision to check out of the hospital and fly home to receive medical treatment in the United States.  She is planning to return, and join up with us once again when she is back on her feet.  

Please pray that the doctors in the States would easily diagnose and treat whatever problem she is facing, and that she would be able to return to the race in good shape.  Also please pray for her emotionally as illness can be so discouraging, especially when it separates you from your team.  We hope to have her back with us soon. 

Thanks – 

Katherine, on behalf of Team Doulos