ReunionWe have been ministering this week in a small pueblo called Mirador, near where we are staying in Comalteco.  Each day we go out and minister door-to-door, praying for people’s needs, giving testimonies, and just sharing our lives with them.  Then each night, we have a reunion, a church meeting with songs, preaching, prayer, and food. We hope to plant a self-sustaining church in Mirador that Juan Carlos will pastor once he returns from Guatemala with us.  Pray that this vision would come into being.

The picture at left is a reunion in the home of Antolin Palestina.  He and his daughter and son entertained us with beautiful three-part harmonies and terrific guitar-playing. 

We’re struggling with illness here.  I was violenty ill two nights ago and spent the entire next day flat on my back. Katherine had a bit of a cold when we arrived, and now is suffering the same stomach malady that I had.  Casey also has the stomach bug.  Please pray that Katherine and Casey would recover quickly, and that the rest of us would stay healthy.

Our lack of internet access is a challenge for us, so bear with us.  We’ll get you stories and pictures as soon as we can.

God bless you all!

Gary, on behalf of Team Doulos