The Roberts FamilyDuring our days in Turkey, we were fortunate enough to befriend the Roberts Family.  Mark Roberts is an American who has a God-given burden for the people of Turkey.  He and his family moved there, started a church, and have been reaching out to Muslims for the last three years.  During our conversations with the Roberts, they expressed to us their great desire to find someone who might be willing to come to Turkey and serve as a tutor for their really terrific kids.  We agreed to help them out by puting any info they sent us up on our website.  Who knows?  God may be calling you to love God’s people and reach out to Turkish Muslims.

Anyway, here’s the info from Mark:

Thanks for putting the word out for tutors for our kids.  Their ages are 11,12,14,and 16, grades 5-10.   We use the ACE program.  
We will supply room and board for up to two tutors.  The church has sleeping rooms, a kitchen, fridge, stove, washing machine, closet space and hot shower in the bathroom.  The applicants should know that the weather is warm and sunny for six months of the year but it is rainy and cold in the winter.  It is expensive to heat the entire church building where they would stay, so warm underwear and sweaters are a must for the winter months. Electric and gas heaters are available at the church and the heating expenses will be paid for them. 
The hours of the school day will be 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM  Monday through Friday.  Church service attendance is expected on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.  The rest of the time is free!  The tutors are welcome to stay here for the summer during semester break and will continue to receive free room and board.   Expenses for health insurance, personal items, clothes, and city bus fare would all have to be provided by the applicants.  The costs of personal items are about the same as Walmart prices in the US. The school room is at the church so the tutors can roll out of bed to work, that is nice.  The city bus fare is one dollar one way to the downtown area. 
The applicants should obtain a letter of recommendation from their Pastor or ministry leader and  supply a brief work and education history for us.  No formal teacher’s education is necessary, but they should  be a high school graduate.  The applicants should have some  experience with children for example: baby sitting, teaching Sunday School, camp counseling, boy scouts, girl scouts, or youth leader or helper.  This position is a great opportunity for someone who wants to reach out to people who have never heard the Gospel and also wants to serve God’s people. 
Mark and Karen
If you would like to seek more information about this position, or if you’d like to apply, contact Mark Roberts at: [email protected].