Dear Friends!

We’re safely back in SOUTH AFRICA!
  We were scheduled to have debrief in Kenya during this week, but no venue could be found and we ended up flying back to South Africa earlier than planned!
  Our time in Tanzania was truly blessed and we are thankful to the wonderful people who made our ministry there possible:
  Bishop Eludi, Pastor Gift and Christina, John, William, Celestine, and our brothers and sisters at the
International Evangelism Centre, Arusha.
  We spent precious moments with the children at Alice’s orphanage and they will remain in our hearts and prayers always.
  May our Lord truly bless each one of our devoted Christian friends tremendously for their obedience and sacrifice for the Body of Christ in Tanzania.

Since our arrival in South Africa we have been blessed tremendously by friends in Pretoria!
  We have seen a provincial rugby match (GO PROVINCE!!!), had a wonderful meal at ”Mike’s Kitchen” and a BRAAI!!! 


The highlight of our time here so far was joining Coenie and Sonja, friends of ours, at a Home Bible Study Group last night.
  This wonderful group of believers blessed us tremendously by washing our feet, praying and anointing us for future ministry.
  We were challenged by their faith and love for the Lord.
  We ended up sharing stories of God’s faithfulness all night and it was real hard to say goodbye when it was time to leave.
  A great big THANK YOU to all of you for welcoming us so warmheartedly and blessing us with your prayers and enthusiasm about God’s Work!
  Please keep in touch!

We will join the other teams on Saturday at Alabanza, outside of Pretoria, for debrief.
  We are VERY thankful to be in
South Africa and are very much looking forward to our time of ministry here.
  Please pray for Stefan, Jacques and Lana for the ‘re-entry’ back into our own culture.
  Thank God for His Faithfulness throughout the year!
  We have grown to love Him more and more! 

Lots of love in Christ,

The Lime Team