Last night during a debrief time in Granada a woman from my squad tried giving the gospel to a girl who was trying to beg money off of us. After 15 minutes of conversations in Spanish, some tears and hugs she told us she was ready to go. On the walk back she reported that Brenda had given her life to Jesus right there on the spot. This is the effect of one racer (that’s what we call ourselves racers cause we are on the world race) on the way to coffee who knows how to listen to God. The world race is a journey that disciples us and refines us through intense community. Imagine the impact that racer could have after the discipleship process and refinement when she could move to a place like Granada full time and begin long term missions work.
One previous racer I know lost His heart in Africa. He was so lost that to this day he goes to church in the states and longs for the dirt floors and acapella hymns. He says they move him so much more than worship in the states and he’s prone to announcing he misses his African children. He is now the missions director for orchard Africa and spends a couple weeks each month in Africa.
I recently had a conversation with another teammate who was working in ministry but felt God calling her to more. This insatiable urge to go is present among all racers. We feel God has more for us, we desire a deeper relationship with Him, to bring His kingdom to the nations. She had already notified her church she was leaving and applied nowhere feeling God was telling her to wait. Then the moment came she discovered the world race and applied that night. She was accepted that week and had 3 weeks to raise $3,500. Talk about a 4thquarter, hail mary in the end zone, last play of the game, half court at the buzzer come through.
But God loves it, because the bigger the miracle the more it proves how He loves us and His ability to provide for us. Which is exactly where we find ourselves now, in need. We can’t reach people like Brenda or find our call to children in Africa without your help. We are praying for our teammates because we need God to show up in a much bigger way. December 1st is the dead line for raising $11,000 and we have some people who are short a lot 3 days before the dead line. Please review the list, pray for all of the funds and ask God if he’s calling you to help.
To help simply click on the link below next to the name and dollar amount, then click the support me link on the left side of the page to support that racer.
Tess needs $4304
Shari needs $4099
Jake needs $3880
Brant needs $1581
Kaitlyn needs $940
James needs $806
Michelle needs $622