Sorry that we haven’t updated this site in a while. Hopefully you have been reading our personal blogs and know what is going on. As you know, we are in Patong and have been here for about a week now. We have had an amazing time here and the way the Lord is moving, the doors that He is opening, and the contacts that we have made have been incredible. We have kept ourselves very busy with ministry and have been very much sleep deprived.
Last night, we decided to take a much needed “break” and take on a challenge that the red team set before us. They challenged us to a game of Dino Golf (aka putt-putt or goofy golf). We took on their challenge, knowing that we were not very good golfers. The place we went was called Dino Park. When you walk up you literally feel like you are in the Flintstones. There are dinosaurs everywhere, a volcano that goes off every hour, and the employees are dressed like Fred and Wilma Flinstone.
We got there and the rain started to come down, so we had to wait a while for it to stop. Once it stopped, our game was on. By the second whole I had already fallen (imagine that) and hurt myself on the stairs…so that was not such a great start…BUT after Katherine hitting her ball in the water, several of us getting a hole in 1 (including me…YEAH…I got 2) and Paul hitting his Paul down the stairs instead of the course…we were off to a very fun game.
It was a very close game I have to say…but unfortunately red team did win. The score was 200 (red) to 205 (brown). So…we had to buy them all ice cream. Though we lost (does this surprise you) we had a great time and it was nice to get away and break for a while.
The red and brown team have decided to “come together” more often and when we do, we are the “bred team”.
