“Thus it is written and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.” Luke 24:46-47

Dalibor; the pastor of the church; called us to be a part of a street evangelism event that they had been praying about for some time. They received the necessary paper work to be able to have the outreach but were denied for having any type of sound equipment. The destination was a place called Spanish Square that was on the front lines. The front lines is the exact point where the Croats and the Muslims split into different communities (the most severe part of the war happened there).

At 7:00pm the event took place. Dalibor decided to sit and play the guitar while the rest of us assembled the three tables at the square. One table was full of all the tracts (information about Jesus), another was a face painting set up and another was a place to do women nails.

Kimberly headed up the nail painting with a British lady named Pam. If you know Kim she loved every minute of it, got in some great bonding time with Pam, and got to tell about Jesus to women and children that couldn’t go anywhere because their nails were being painted. Brilliant!

Sarah was a part of the face painting crew. She was able to bond with some of the local Christians and share the Love of Christ with so many.

Cathy contributed in the much need intercessory prayer department as well as pass out tracts. The prayer that she contributed helped out in so many different aspects.

Casey got a chance to speak freely about Jesus. She prayer walked and boldly spoke about the Love of Christ to so many. She also found out that there is a Shakespeare group that is playing for the next 4 weeks that would love to speak English with people. I am guessing that Jesus will be the main topic.

Chad got the same chance to boldly speak about the Love of Christ. He was able to share the complete Gospel with a handful of Muslims and Catholics. He was in his element and loved every minute of it.

Thanks for all the prayers; we can feel God moving in us, through us and around us. God Bless.